Hello, my name is Giselle Castaño.

My love for astrology was passed down from my mother and the astrology books from my childhood home. While this has been a lifelong love affair, I committed myself to astrology as a life path during my Saturn Return and have been making offerings to the public since 2015.

I practice astrology on unceded Duwamish territory, also known as Seattle, WA. These are not my homelands and therefore I aim to be a respectful and generous guest on these lush and vibrant lands. I am learning to rehabilitate the soils, restore native plants to the earth, be of service and strive to become a better community member everyday.

I hail from a Pisces & Sagittarius stellium! Therefore, I prefer to create and hold space for folks to be sharing stories, struggles and learnings rather than lecturing on a one way information highway. I identify strongly as a teacher and it is a primary way that I engage others in astrology. I believe astrology should be learned in community, it is far too complex to do it alone. In my workshops and classes, I intentionally create spaces for community building, conversation, reflection, self-inquiry, creative integration of information, sharing and witnessing. I love the small and soulful crew that seeks a regular astrology home base, and welcome new folks who are seeking and exploring this language for the first time. Priority always goes to queer, trans, non-binary, 2-spirit Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

My first human astrology teacher was Deborah Singletary of vissioncarriers.com. After receiving my first formal teachings from Deborah, I found myself poured over every astrology book I could find on my long commutes between Brooklyn and Queens. These books were a revelation.  I eventually moved to the west coast to attend the Portland School of Astrology and dedicate myself to astrology and throw myself into circles of other lovers of the stars. I have since taken in-person intensives and online classes from Sam Reynolds, Demetra George, Kelly Surtees, Shu Yap and many more!  I recognize that this is a lifelong learning path and my Sagittarius parts can’t get enough. 

I also receive many teachings from the natural world everyday.  By observing the elements, winds, and creatures around me, I gain deeper understanding and insight into astrological aspects and transits all the time.  I incorporate this into my teaching and readings.  The four primary elements that make up all life on earth and in the cosmos are truly the original teachers and gift givers of astrology. Water, Earth, Fire, and Air.

The tradition of astrology I practice is often referred to as “Western Astrology.” This naming is a deeply colonial framing, as this tradition originates far from the colonial era and mentality of patriarchy and white supremacy.  I believe the first human societies on our planet were guided by the movements of the stars and planets.  In this tradition of astrology, there is evidence of humans tracking and interpreting celestial phenomena for over 5000 years.  From what we know, the roots of all astrological knowledge in this tradition comes from the people of Ancient Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq and Syria) between 2000-0 BCE and Ancient Egypt between 3000BCE-395 CE.  And this is just from the hard evidence that has been gathered among historians and astrologers.  The long history and path of the evolution, persecution, renaissance, empire and colonization of this tradition takes us from the desert roots into Persia, Greece, Rome, the Arab peninsula, Europe, and finally across the Atlantic to this continent.  

Let us imagine the astrologers of this long lineage and offer thanks for keeping this precious knowledge alive and evolving.